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Gimp Chat Getting Apng Plug-in Set Up For Mac


The Xtns menu also contains the GIMP’s Plug-in Browser. Many of the GIMP’s functions. You can also use the rulers to set up guides. 1 GET TO KNOW THE GIMP. CHAPTER 1 GET TO KNOW THE GIMP CHAPTER 1 GET TO KNOW THE GIMP. CHAPTER 1 GET TO KNOW THE GIMP. Oct 8, 2008 - In this video David covers where to find the plug-in, how to install it. Learn how to install and get started using the Explicit History plug-in.

.Edit. The plugin download page does not seem to exist last I checked and ever since I updated to gimp 2.8 the plugin has created an error message and failed to work. This may be an issue with my gimp program only, but it is possible it may no longer work. If you know anything about gimp code and would like to update or fix the plugin or use gimp 2.6 still and would like a copy of the plugin I will upload the files upon request so you can use them.

It included information on the.ani save format, so perhaps someone may be able to get it working for gimp 2.8 fairly easily. For now, I have found a useful free program called AniTuner that can take many file types gimp can create and assemble the images into a.ani file with many more options and better save formats. I suggest using gimp to make cursors and assembling the animation with that freeware if you experiance issues with this plugin as well.end of edit.

Before yelling at me about the catagory I posted in read the bottom of the guide! I had no choice!! I hope people can still find it. Please help if you can! I have been asked by some to make pointers, and I thought some of you may wish to make your own so here is a cusor guide for anyone interested in making their own windows mouse cursors in Gimp. The above picture is a basic template you can use as a reference to color for a basic pointer. Now for the guide!

1.Installation You will need to download the plugin for gimp that allows you to save in the.ani format of pointers. Use this and download both of the files.

Gimp Chat Getting Apng Plug-in Set Up For Mac Download

You may need to use 7zip, winrar, or some other file decompressor to extract the files after downloading them. The next step in installation is to place them in your plugin folder. Make sure you have all of the files from the ani(Win32bin).zip and the winani(src).zip and then move them to your gimp plugin folder. For me this was C: Users your name.gimp-2.6 plug-ins once correctly installed you should now be able to open and save as.ani files. Creating the pointer. I believe a pointer should always be a 32 by 32 pixel image.

When saving you can choose where the spot for the tip of your pointer will be, but the default is the top left corner at 0,0. Use my template above (create a layer below it and color it in) or create any other shape you want and you will have to save as a.ani before you can use it. Animated cursors should be set up like a gif animation and saved as the.ani format as well. (.ani is an animated format that will work for nonanimated cursors as well, but you may look for a.cur format plugin if you want to save in the standard format (I don't know why you would need to unless you want to be more professional or something)) 3.

Hints for making it look better. I have found many ways to create better looking pointers. The first hint is to make sure the file takes up the entire 32:32 pixle area.

My computer would expand and warp my pointers so that the small pointer takes up the entire area. I found that by placing an extreemly close to invisable pixel in the far corner solves this problem and is not visable when using the pointers. In the template this far corner would be the bottom right since it has no colored pixel in the same collumn or row. I believe I have done this already for the template, but you may need to do this if you start from scratch or if you erase that pixel. My next hint is to avoid transparent pixles whenever possible to reduce the unsightly fuzz that often borders a pointer only when it is set on your computer.

I do not know why, but even after doing this and erasing any stray marks there is still often that fuzz. Just keep trying to get rid of it by completely redrawing the effected area if necessary. If you have a question or need more explanation then ask me! Don't give up because it sounds hard, it really is easy to get used to. I hope this helps and tell me if that link does not work!(that site often goes down) Have fun and be sure to tell others if they are interested!

I did not make the plugin and am not 100% sure this guide is in the right category sice it is being picky about what file types can be where and it will not let me post this under tutorials. The template would be useless without transparency!!!! Please spare me the highly technical questions and correct me if there is a better place for this guide that allows gif images.(Waves fish at DA regulations!!!) Thanks! If the link does not work please tell me. The site has often gone down and that is why I have not posted this tutorial untill now. Well I know that particular plug in never worked with newer versions of Gimp so I can't really recommend you try it out since it most likely will not work still. I would try putting the plug in in the most recent Gimp and mess with it more just because you brought it up and I am curious if I could fix it or if it works now, but I don't seem to even have any trace of the plugin on my new computer and would need to hunt for it in old backups if it still exists because the original forum post link is working again but it takes me to some dropbox site that refuses to give me the files so perhaps the servers threw them out after so much time being inactive.

If you can get the files I could mess around with them a tad, but you are probably far better off using the free program called AniTuner to save your cursors since it has many more features and save options. Here is a link to the Anituner download site: You can still make your cursors in Gimp though, just choose a 32x32 pixel canvas size and make sure the file has a clear background and is exported in a file type that can save that transparent layer such as a.PNG file. You can also export an animated cursor from Gimp as a.GIF animation file and just open it in that AniTuner app and preview it and save it as an animated cursor, so it can pretty much do what the Gimp plugin did with more options and less bugs. The gimp plugin struggled to save semi-transparent parts of a cursor so you could not add light effects or make something like a stained glass window for example, so even if it was convenient I think I would recommend you use AniTuner anyway even if the old gimp plugin was working. If you need any help understanding the little app or how to use it just ask and I can try to make more detailed instructions, but this should be enough to point you in the right direction.

Hopefully this helps you get started, it really is fun to make custom cursors! I actually tried AniTuner on a gif that i created, but really really didn't like the result. I think I will actually try it again on your recommendation. It is definitely safe to say I wasn't sure what I was doing. I think with some more understanding of this software, I may find it a valuable tool. Thanks for the tips.

I have never used tutorials until recently. I'm a grab a tool and start pounding till it fits kinda gal, but i'm finally learning that instructions are a lot easier, lol. That being said, if you do make a tutorial for AniTuner, I will be checking it out! Thanks again, you rocketh my socketh!

Hmm, I can't imagine many ways to have a bad result with that program, it does not really do much more than convert gif's to a cursor and I thought it could save with good quality. My guess would be that you accidentally did not use a 32x32 pixel canvas since Windows seems to naturally force that even if the app allows custom sizes and the conversion can mess with your shape or add ugly artifacts to the edges. I thought that was what i did wrong. I 'prepared the image for.gif' in gimp, and forgot to eliminate the white areas, so i got the flashing. Going to have to redo the image and make background transparent.

Will try this either tonight or over the next few days, and let you know if that worked. I'm pretty sure that's what i did wrong. And the size. I did not resize the image correctly. Appreciate all the help. I'll submit or resubmit once it's done, and tag you so you can see it. Super thanks for taking the time to help.

I actually tried making a new animated cursor the other day while visiting family and I discovered that the AniTuner program was having a hard time actually handling partially transparent pixels just like the old gimp plugin. I'll keep working on it and see if I can find out why it is not working or if there is a file type or setting that will fix it, but it has me thinking I might have used another program with a free trial to actually save my cursors with semi-transparent pixels in the cursor. If the icon you are trying to make has pixels that are semi-transparent then you might have issues with that unless I can find why it is not working, but it should still work fine if you are making a cursor with fully opaque pixels other than the background of course. You can post stuff in the DA Stash and send a link if you can't get it quite right and don't want to post it until it is ready, but hopefully you can get it working if it does not have semi-transparent pixels. You are not having troubles getting the gif file set up in GIMP are you? Just in case you need help with any of that I'll go over a couple things just in case you don't already know it all. You can resize the animation to 32x32 pixels by using the 'Canvas Size' tool under the 'Image' tab in Gimp.

For the background transparency if you accidentally forgot to remove the backgrounds in Gimp just use the 'select by color' tool in the toolbox to select the background and erase it or control+x it to cut out the frame. If it does not let you remove the background completely it means you need to add a transparency layer to that frame, so right click the frame in the 'layers' box and choose 'Add Alpha Channel'. Anyways, I'll tell you if I figure out how to get partial transparency working with Anituner, but hopefully you have enough to get the frames set up and finished if it does not need all that. I uploaded a basic list of arrow icons and tagged you in them.

There is at least one animated one, but I didn't like how it turned out to begin with so i'll have to do something a bit more in depth to really see what the issue i'm having is. I started with a 13 X 13 canvas, created a basic arrow shape, leaving every other square transparent, then resized to 32 X32 to get the more complex look. It did well, but i agree, the simi transparent pixels are not easy to detect. I'll try again later with a more complex image to see if I can notice any differences. Thanks for your looking into all this. It's been an interesting experience for me. Learning something new and all.

If you did use something else, I'd like to know. There was a program i used years ago that did everything for you kind of thing. Haven't been able to find it, as I can't recall the name. I'll look through my list and see if I can recover it. If I do, I'll shoot the info your way.

Well, if I recall correctly the program I used to save translucent pixels might have been a free trial of some program called Axialis found here: If it is the right one I am thinking of it lets you color them in the program and add layer effects and all sorts of interesting library features and such, but after 30 days of the trial it might lock you out of the trial and ask you to buy the program. I am not sure if you could keep reinstalling the trial for more time or not, but the full version is near $50 even on sale. You mean setting it after it is made? To set a custom cursor you need to go to the mouse properties under the pointers tab and select the one you want.


The quickest way for me to get there is right click the desktop, go to personalize, and on the left side of that screen is a small list with 'change mouse pointer'. If you use an older version of Microsoft you may need to open control panel, hardware and sound, and choose mouse under devices and printers section and again go to the pointers tab.

Then it is as simple as choosing the pointer to replace (normal select is usually the one you change unless you made more for loading animations, links, etc) and click browse to find the pointer you made or downloaded. Just be sure to remember where you saved the newer pointers since it will not likely be in the folder with the default ones. If you use Mac or Linux then I really am not sure how you would change pointers. I know Mac is more difficult for me to figure out and may not use many custom pointer types. Try searching online for instructions on how those work if you do not use Microsoft.

If you are asking more about the process of creating a cursor then I will need to know more precisely what you asking, the question is worded a tad bit vaguely. I use gimp for most all of my art. I believe this tutorial is about how to make both regular and animated cursors with a plugin someone made. Gimp is also a very popular free art program that I use in most all of my drawings.

Gimp Chat Getting Apng Plug-in Set Up For Mac Free

The cursor plugins is not what Gimp was made for though, it is just a neat way you can use the program to personalize your computer. There are many programs made just for mouse and icon design but this guide shows how gimp can make fairly good ones using free plugins. If you don't have an art program Gimp is a great choice to start learning and can make really good art and animations just like photoshop for free. Only bad things is that gimp tends to freeze or crash a little and has some features that are less advanced then programs you pay for. Some people actually prefer Gimp over other programs and I use it more then photoshop because I am more familiar with the interface on it now.